
Our student newspaper has been called 鈥渢he voice of the students.鈥

We have sought out numerous students from all across the academic spectrum to voice their thoughts, concerns and criticisms on everything from sports and entertainment to politics and feature topics.

The Delphian is always looking for more students, more writers that want to get their voice heard. Whether you want to take pictures, write articles or simply suggest something be covered; please do not hesitate to contact us.

Inside the Latest Issue

April 2024 Issue

As the war in the Middle East continues, some students struggle with hate speech on campus while the administration offers support, but says there have been no direct, related reports.

Read the Full Issue

Published every three weeks, the paper has delivered award-winning reporting on-campus events and news.

The Delphian

The Delphian is available to all 草榴社区 campuses free of charge. Opinions expressed are those of the staff, not of the Student Government Association, the faculty, the University, or its Board of Trustees. All work submitted to The Delphian is subject to revision by the editors; this includes articles, ads, artwork, and letters to the editor.

The Delphian
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